
Simple pie charts with fallback, today

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Five years ago, I had written this extensive Smashing Magazine article detailing multiple different methods for creating simple pie charts, either with clever use of transforms and pseudo-elements, or with SVG stroke-dasharray. In the end, I mentioned creating pie charts with conic gradients, as a future technique. It was actually a writeup of my “The Missing Slice” talk, and an excerpt of my CSS Secrets book, which had just been published.

I was reminded of this article today by someone on Twitter:

I suggested conic gradients, since they are now supported in >87% of users’ browsers, but he needed to support IE11. He suggested using my polyfill from back then, but this is not a very good idea today.

Indeed, unless you really need to display conic gradients, even I would not recommend using the polyfill on a production facing site. It requires -prefix-free, which re-fetches (albeit from cache) your entire CSS and sticks it in a <style> element, with no sourcemaps since those were not a thing back when -prefix-free was written. If you’re already using -prefix-free, the polyfill is great, but if not, it’s way too heavy a dependency.

Pie charts with fallback (modern browsers)

Instead, what I would recommend is graceful degradation, i.e. to use the same color stops, but in a linear gradient.

Original Tips

The -​-var: ; hack to toggle multiple values with one custom property

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What if I told you you could use a single property value to turn multiple different values on and off across multiple different properties and even across multiple CSS rules?

What if I told you you could turn this flat button into a glossy skeuomorphic button by just tweaking one custom property --is-raised, and that would set its border, background image, box and text shadows in one fell swoop?


Introspecting CSS via the CSS OM: Getting supported properties, shorthands, longhands

Reading Time: 4 minutes

For some of the statistics we are going to study for this year’s Web Almanac we may end up needing a list of CSS shorthands and their longhands. Now this is typically done by maintaining a data structure by hand or guessing based on property name structure. But I knew that if we were going to do it by hand, it’s very easy to miss a few of the less popular ones, and the naming rule where shorthands are a prefix of their longhands has failed to get standardized and now has even more exceptions than it used to. And even if we do an incredibly thorough job, next year the data structure will be inaccurate, because CSS and its implementations evolve fast. The browser knows what the shorthands are, surely we should be able to get the information from it …right? Then we could use it directly if this is a client-side library, or in the case of the Almanac, where code needs to be fast because it will run on millions of websites, paste the precomputed result into whatever script we run.


Import non-ESM libraries in ES Modules, with client-side vanilla JS

Reading Time: 5 minutes

In case you haven’t heard, ECMAScript modules (ESM) are now supported everywhere!

While I do have some gripes with them, it’s too late for any of these things to change, so I’m embracing the good parts and have cautiously started using them in new projects. I do quite like that I can just use import statements and dynamic import() for dependencies with URLs right from my JS, without module loaders, extra <script> tags in my HTML, or hacks with dynamic <script> tags and load events (in fact, Bliss has had a helper for this very thing that I’ve used extensively in older projects). I love that I don’t need any libraries for this, and I can use it client-side, anywhere, even in my codepens.

Once you start using ESM, you realize that most libraries out there are not written in ESM, nor do they include ESM builds. Many are still using globals, and those that target Node.js use CommonJS (CJS). What can we do in that case? Unfortunately, ES Modules are not really designed with any import (pun intended) mechanism for these syntaxes, but, there are some strategies we could employ.

Tips Tutorials

Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max()

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Notice how the navigation on the left behaves wrt scrolling: It’s like absolute at first that becomes fixed once the header scrolls out of the viewport.

One of my side projects these days is a color space agnostic color conversion & manipulation library, which I’m developing together with my husband, Chris Lilley (you can see a sneak peek of its docs above). He brings his color science expertise to the table, and I bring my JS & API design experience, so it’s a great match and I’m really excited about it! (if you’re serious about color and you’re building a tool or demo that would benefit from it contact me, we need as much early feedback on the API as we can get! )

For the documentation, I wanted to have the page navigation on the side (when there is enough space), right under the header when scrolled all the way to the top, but I wanted it to scroll with the page (as if it was absolutely positioned) until the header is out of view, and then stay at the top for the rest of the scrolling (as if it used fixed positioning).

Original Tips

Easy Dynamic Regular Expressions with Tagged Template Literals and Proxies

Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you use regular expressions a lot, you probably also create them from existing strings that you first need to escape in case they contain special characters that need to be matched literally, like $ or +. Usually, a helper function is defined (hopefully this will soon change as RegExp.escape() is coming!) that basically looks like this:

var escapeRegExp = s => s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");

and then regexps are created by escaping the static strings and concatenating them with the rest of the regex like this:

var regex = RegExp(escapeRegExp(start) + '([\\S\\s]+?)' + escapeRegExp(end), "gi")

or, with ES6 template literals, like this:

var regex = RegExp(`${escapeRegExp(start)}([\\S\\s]+?)${escapeRegExp(end)}`, "gi")

(In case you were wondering, this regex is taken directly from the Mavo source code)

Isn’t this horribly verbose? What if we could define a regex with just a template literal (`${start}([\\S\\s]+?)${end}` for the regex above) and it just worked? Well, it turns out we can! If you haven’t seen tagged template literals before, I suggest you click that MDN link and read up. Basically, you can prepend an ES6 template literal with a reference to a function and the function accepts the static parts of the string and the dynamic parts separately, allowing you to operate on them!

Original Tips

Responsive tables, revisited

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Screenshot showing a table with 3 rows turning into 3 sets of key-value pairs

Many people have explored responsive tables. The usual idea is turning the table into key-value pairs so that cells become rows and there are only 2 columns total, which fit in any screen. However, this means table headers need to now be repeated for every row. The current ways to do that are:

Original Tips

Different remote and local resource URLs, with Service Workers!

Reading Time: 4 minutesI often run into this issue where I want a different URL remotely and a different one locally so I can test my local changes to a library. Sure, relative URLs work a lot of the time, but are often not an option. Developing Mavo is yet another example of this: since Mavo is in a separate repo from (its website) as well as (the testsuite), I can’t just have relative URLs to it that also work remotely. I’ve been encountering this problem way too frequently pretty much since I started in web development. In this post, will describe all solutions and workarounds I’ve used over time for this, including the one I’m currently using for Mavo: Service Workers!

Original Tips

Resolve Promises externally with this one weird trick

Reading Time: 3 minutesThose of us who use promises heavily, have often wished there was a Promise.prototype.resolve() method, that would force an existing Promise to resolve. However, for architectural reasons (throw safety), there is no such thing and probably never will be. Therefore, a Promise can only resolve or reject by calling the respective methods in its constructor:

var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	if (something) {
	else {

However, often it is not desirable to put your entire code inside a Promise constructor so you could resolve or reject it at any point. In my latest case today, I wanted a Promise that resolved when a tree was created, so that third-party components could defer code execution until the tree was ready. However, given that plugins could be running on any hook, that meant wrapping a ton of code with the Promise constructor, which was obviously a no-go. I had come across this problem before and usually gave up and created a Promise around all the necessary code. However, this time my aversion to what this would produce got me to think even harder. What could I do to call resolve() asynchronously from outside the Promise?

A custom event? Nah, too slow for my purposes, why involve the DOM when it’s not needed?

Another Promise? Nah, that just transfers the problem.

An setInterval to repeatedly check if the tree is created? OMG, I can’t believe you just thought that Lea, ewwww, gross!

Getters and setters? Hmmm, maybe that could work! If the setter is inside the Promise constructor, then I can resolve the Promise by just setting a property!

My first iteration looked like this:

this.treeBuilt = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	Object.defineProperty(this, "_treeBuilt", {
		set: value => {
			if (value) {

// Many, many lines below…

this._treeBuilt = true;

However, it really bothered me that I had to define 2 properties when I only needed one. I could of course do some cleanup and delete them after the promise is resolved, but the fact that at some point in time these useless properties existed will still haunt me, and I’m sure the more OCD-prone of you know exactly what I mean. Can I do it with just one property? Turns out I can!

The main idea is realizing that the getter and the setter could be doing completely unrelated tasks. In this case, setting the property would resolve the promise and reading its value would return the promise:

var setter;
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	setter = value => {
		if (value) {

Object.defineProperty(this, "treeBuilt", {
	set: setter,
	get: () => promise

// Many, many lines below…

this.treeBuilt = true;

For better performance, once the promise is resolved you could even delete the dynamic property and replace it with a normal property that just points to the promise, but be careful because in that case, any future attempts to resolve the promise by setting the property will make you lose your reference to it!

I still think the code looks a bit ugly, so if you can think a more elegant solution, I’m all ears (well, eyes really)!

Update: Joseph Silber gave an interesting solution on twitter:

function defer() {
	var deferred = {
		promise: null,
		resolve: null,
		reject: null

	deferred.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		deferred.resolve = resolve;
		deferred.reject = reject;

	return deferred;

this.treeBuilt = defer();

// Many, many lines below…


I love that this is reusable, and calling resolve() makes a lot more sense than setting something to true. However, I didn’t like that it involved a separate object (deferred) and that people using the treeBuilt property would not be able to call .then() directly on it, so I simplified it a bit to only use one Promise object:

function defer() {
	var res, rej;

	var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		res = resolve;
		rej = reject;

	promise.resolve = res;
	promise.reject = rej;

	return promise;

this.treeBuilt = defer();

// Many, many lines below…


Finally, something I like!

Original Tips

URL rewriting with Github Pages

Reading Time: 2 minutesredirectI adore Github Pages. I use them for everything I can, and try to avoid server-side code like the plague, exactly so that I can use them. The convenience of pushing to a repo and having the changes immediately reflected on the website with no commit hooks or any additional setup, is awesome. The free price tag is even more awesome. So, when the time came to publish my book, naturally, I wanted the companion website to be on Github Pages.

There was only one small problem: I wanted nice URLs, like, which would redirect to demos on Any sane person would have likely bitten the bullet and used some kind of server-side language. However, I’m not a particularly sane person 😀

Turns out Github uses some URL rewriting of its own on Github Pages: If you provide a 404.html, any URL that doesn’t exist will be handled by that. Wait a second, is that basically how we do nice URLs on the server anyway? We can do the same in Github Pages, by just running JS inside 404.html!

So, I created a JSON file with all demo ids and their dabblet URLs, a 404.html that shows either a redirection or an error (JS decides which one) and a tiny bit of Vanilla JS that reads the current URL, fetches the JSON file, and redirects to the right dabblet. Here it is, without the helpers:


document.body.className = 'redirecting';

var slug = location.pathname.slice(1);

	src: 'secrets.json',
	onsuccess: function () {
		var slugs = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
		var hash = slugs[slug];
		if (hash) {
			// Redirect
			var url = hash.indexOf('http') == 0? hash : '' + hash;
			$('section.redirecting > p').innerHTML = 'Redirecting to <a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>…';
			location.href = url;
		else {
			document.body.className = 'error not-found';
	onerror: function () {
		document.body.className = 'error json';


That’s all! You can imagine using the same trick to redirect to other HTML pages in the same Github Pages site, have proper URLs for a single page site, and all sorts of things! Is it a hack? Of course. But when did that ever stop us? 😀