
Extend Math.log to allow for bases != e

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As Math.log currently stands, it’s a bit useless. It only calculates natural logarithms (base e).  We can easily modify it however, to calculate logarithms of any base:

Math.log = (function() {
	var log = Math.log;
	return function(n, a) {
		return log(n)/(a? log(a) : 1);

We can now specify the base as a second parameter, or still use the default one (Math.E) if we don’t specify one, so older scripts won’t break or if we want a shortcut to the natural logarithm. 😉


Extend Math.round, Math.ceil and Math.floor to allow for precision

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Math.round, Math.ceil and Math.floor are very useful functions. However, when using them, I find myself many times needing to specify a precision level. You don’t always want to round to an integer, you often just want to strip away some of the decimals.

We probably all know that if we have a function to round to integers, we can round to X decimals by doing Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,X)) / Math.pow(10,X). This kind of duck typing can get tedious, so usually, you roll your own function to do that. However, why not just add that extra functionality to the functions that already exist and you’re accustomed to?