Original Releases

Incrementable length values in text fields

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I always loved that Firebug and Dragonfly feature that allows you to increment or decrement a <length> value by pressing the up and down keyboard arrows when the caret is over it. I wished my Front Trends slides supported it in the editable examples, it would make presenting so much easier. So, I decided to implement the functionality, to use it in my next talk.

If you still have no idea what I’m talking about, you can see a demo here:
View demo

You may configure it so that it only does that when modifiers (alt, ctrl and/or shift) are used by providing a second argument to the constructor and/or change the units supported by filling in the third argument. However, bear in mind that holding down the Shift key will make it increment by ±10 instead of ±1 and that’s not configurable (it would add too much unneeded complexity, I’m not even sure whether it’s a good idea to make the other thing configurable either).

You may download it or fork it from it’s Github repo.

And if you feel creative, you may improve it by fixing an Opera bug I gave up on: When the down arrow is pressed, the caret moves to the end of the string, despite the code telling it not to.


Reading cookies the regular expression way

Reading Time: < 1 minute

While taking a look on the 2nd 24ways article for 2009, I was really surprised to read that “The Web Storage API is basically cookies on steroids, a unhealthy dosage of steroids. Cookies are always a pain to work with. First of all you have the problem of setting, changing and deleting them. Typically solved by Googling and blindly relying on PPK’s solution. (bold is mine)

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with PPK’s solution. It works just fine. However, I always thought his readCookie() function was too verbose and complicated for no reason. It’s a very common example of someone desperately trying to avoid using a regular expression. I googled for “javascript read cookie” and to my surprise, all examples found in the first results were very similar. I never understood why even experienced developers are so scared of regular expressions. Anyway, if anyone wants a shorter function to read a cookie, here’s what I use:

function readCookie(name) {
    // Escape regexp special characters (thanks kangax!)
    name = name.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');

    var regex = new RegExp('(?:^|;)\\s?' + name + '=(.*?)(?:;|$)','i'),
        match = document.cookie.match(regex);

    return match && unescape(match[1]); // thanks James!

Update: Function updated, see comments below.

I’ve been using it for years and it hasn’t let me down. 🙂

Probably lots of other people have come up and posted something similar before me (I was actually very surprised that something like this isn’t mainstream), but I’m posting it just in case. 🙂

Articles Original

Exploring browser-supported Unicode characters and a tweet shortening experiment

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I recently wanted to post something on twitter that was just slightly over the 140 chars limit and I didn’t want to shorten it by cutting off characters (some lyrics from Pink Floyd’s “Hey You” that expressed a particular thought I had at the moment — it would be barbaric to alter Roger Waters’ lyrics in any way, wouldn’t it? ;-)). I always knew there were some ligatures and digraphs in the Unicode table, so I thought that these might be used to shorten tweets, not only that particular one of course, but any tweet. So I wrote a small script (warning: very rough around the edges) to explore the Unicode characters that browsers supported, find the replacement pairs and build the tweet shortening script (I even thought of a name for it: ligatweet, LOL I was never good at naming).


A different approach to elastic textareas

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I loved elastic textareas since the very first moment I used one (at facebook obviously). They let you save screen real estate while at the same time they are more comfortable for the end user. It’s one of the rare occasions when you can have your UI cake and eat it too!

However, I never liked the implementation of the feature. In case you never wondered how it’s done, let me explain it in a nutshell: All elastic textarea scripts (or at least all that I know of) create a hidden (actually, absolutely positioned and placed out of the browser window) div, copy some CSS properties from the textarea to it (usually padding, font-size, line-height, font-family, width and font-weight) and whenever the contents of the textarea change they copy them to the hidden div and measure it’s dimensions. It might be good enough for facebook, where the styling of those textareas is fairly simple and consistent throughout the site, or any other particular site, but as a generic solution? I never liked the idea.

Articles Tips

On password masking and usability

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I just read Jakob Nielsen’s recent post in which he urged web designers/developers to stop password masking due to it’s inherent usability issues. I found it an interesting read. Hey, at last, someone dared to talk about the elephant in the room!

In most cases password masking is indeed useless, but still, there are several cases where you need that kind of protection. He also points that out, suggesting a checkbox to enable the user to mask their entered password if they wish to do so. He also suggests that checkbox being enabled by default on sites that require high security.

I think the checkbox idea is really good, as long as it works in the opposite way: Password masking should always be the default and you should check the checkbox to show the characters you typed. This is in line with what Windows (Vista or newer) users are already accustomed to anyway

Original Releases

Cross-browser imageless linear gradients v2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A while ago, I posted a script of mine for creating 2-color cross-browser imageless linear gradients. As I stated there, I needed them for a color picker I have to create. And even though 2-color gradients are sufficient for most components, in most color spaces, I had forgotten an important one: Hue. You can’t represent Hue with a 2-color gradient! So, I had to revise the script, and make it able to produce linear gradients of more than 2 colors. Furthermore, I needed to be able to specify a fully transparent color as one of the gradient colors, in order to create the photoshop-like 2d plane used by the picker (and no, a static image background like the one used in most JS color pickers wouldn’t suffice, for reasons irrelevant with this post). I hereby present you Cross-browser, imageless, linear gradients v2!


Advocacy of JavaScript

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I frequently meet these “hardcore” developers that deep (or not so deep) inside them, tend to underestimate JavaScript developers and boast about their own superiority. I’m sure that if you spent an important percentage of your career working with JavaScript and are even barely social, you definitely know what I’m talking about. It’s those desktop application programmers or these back-end developers that tend to consider JavaScript a toy, and try to convince you to engage in “more serious stuff” (if they appreciate you even a little; if they don’t they just mock you endlessly and/or look down on you).

Funnily enough, when most of these people are required to write JavaScript for some reason, one of the following happens:

  1. They write 2000-style code, which is usually the reason that most of them underestimate JavaScript so much: They think that everybody codes in JavaScript like themselves.
  2. They desperately look for “a good library” because “it’s not worth wasting my time to learn that stuff”.
  3. They actually learn the darn language and the relevant browser quirks and change their attitude towards JavaScript developers.

Douglas Crockford did it much better than me, but I would like to take my turn in arguing against their most frequent claims, if I may.


Extend Math.log to allow for bases != e

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As Math.log currently stands, it’s a bit useless. It only calculates natural logarithms (base e).  We can easily modify it however, to calculate logarithms of any base:

Math.log = (function() {
	var log = Math.log;
	return function(n, a) {
		return log(n)/(a? log(a) : 1);

We can now specify the base as a second parameter, or still use the default one (Math.E) if we don’t specify one, so older scripts won’t break or if we want a shortcut to the natural logarithm. 😉


Cross browser, imageless linear gradients

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I have to write a color picker in the near future and I wanted it to have those little gradients on top of the sliders that show you the effect that a slider change will have on the selected color. Consequently, I needed to create imageless gradients, in order to easily change them. My very first thought was creating many div or span elements in order to show the gradient. I rejected it almost instantly, for ovbious reasons (*cough* performance *cough*). My second thought was SVG for the proper browsers, and gradient filters for IE. As it turned out, inline SVG was too much of a hassle and I didn’t want to use Data URIs. My final thought was canvas for the proper browsers and gradient filters for IE.

Since I consider such a script very entertaining, I didn’t google it at all, I started coding right away. Time to have fun! 😀 After finishing it though, I googled it just out of curiosity and didn’t like the other solutions much (either the solution itself, or the code), so I decided to post it in case it helps someone. I also made a little test page, so that you may test out how it works. 🙂

Original Tips

Mockup viewer bookmarklet

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I usually view mockups in a browser, so that the impression I get is as close as possible to reality (I learned this the hard way: A mockup that seemed great in the neutral and minimalistic environment of a picture viewer, ended up looking way too fancy when viewed in a browser, something that I realized after having worked for 6 months on the site). If you do the same, I’m sure you’ll feel my pain: Every time I do that, I have to carefully scroll down just as much as to hide the margin that the browser adds, and left just as much as to center the image. Not to mention the click required to enlarge the image to full-size.

Not any more!