
Awesomplete: 2KB autocomplete with zero dependencies

Reading Time: 3 minutes

awesompleteSorry for the lack of posts for the past 7 (!) months, I’ve been super busy working on my book, which up to a certain point, I couldn’t even imagine finishing, but I’m finally there! I’ve basically tried to cram all the CSS wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years in it 😛 (which is partly why it took so long, I kept remembering more things that just *had* to be in it. Its page count on the O’Reilly website had to be updated 3 times, from 250 to 300 to 350 and it looks like the final is gonna be closer to 400 pages) and it’s gonna be super awesome (preorder here!) 😀 . I have been posting a few CSS tricks now and then on my twitter account, but haven’t found any time to write a proper blog post.

Anyhow, despite being super busy with MIT (which btw is amazing, challenging in a good way, and full of fantastic people. So glad to be here!) and the book, I recently needed an autocomplete widget for something. Surprisingly, I don’t think I ever had needed to choose one in the past. I’ve worked with apps that had it, but in those cases it was already there.

At first, I didn’t fret. Finally, a chance to use the HTML5 <datalist>, so exciting! However, the more I played with it, the more my excitement was dying a slow death, taking my open web standards dreams and hopes along with it. Not only it’s incredibly inconsistent across browsers (e.g. Chrome matches only from the start, Firefox anywhere!), it’s also not hackable or customizable in any way. Not even if I got my hands dirty and used proprietary CSS, I still couldn’t do anything as simple as changing how the matching happens, styling the dropdown or highlighting the matching text!

So, with a heavy heart, I decided to use a script. However, when I looked into it, everything seemed super bloated for my needs and anything with half decent usability required jQuery, which results in even more bloat.

So, I did what every crazy person with a severe case of NIH Syndrome would: I wrote one. It was super fun, and I don’t regret it, although now I’m even more pressed for time to meet my real deadlines. I wrote it primarily for myself, so even if nobody else uses it, ho hum, it was more fun than alternative ways to take a break. However, it’s my duty to put it on Github, in case someone else wants it and in case the community wants to take it into its loving, caring hands and pull request the hell out of it.

To be honest, I think it’s both pretty and pretty useful and even though it won’t suit complex needs out of the box, it’s pretty hackable/extensible. I even wrote quite a bit of documentation at some point this week when I was too sleepy to work and not sufficiently sleepy to sleep — because apparently that’s what was missing from my life: even more technical writing.

I saved the best for last: It’s so lightweight you might end up chasing it around if there’s a lot of wind when you download it. It’s currently a little under 1.5KB minified & gzipped (the website says 2KB because it will probably grow with commits and I don’t want to have to remember to update it all the time), with zero dependencies! 😀

And it’s even been verified to work in IE9 (sorta), IE10+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari 5+, Mobile Safari!

’Nuff said. Get it now!

PS: If you’re about to leave a comment on how it’s not called “autocomplete”, but “typeahead”, please go choke on a bucket of cocks instead. 😛


Simple script: Automatic talks list

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I guess this will not be useful to many, but thought I’d open source it anyway, in case someone else finds it useful. I mostly wrote it because after 50+ conferences, I got seriously fed up updating the list by editing the HTML manually. Now I will only have to edit a JSON file manually! 😛

Admittedly, it’s not my best code (more like a quick hack), but it should be pretty easy to adapt to your needs, even to adapt it to lists of different things instead of talks. Using it for talks is very straight forward: Include the CSS and JS, add a list with a class of “talks” where you want it, done.

Hope you enjoy it 🙂

Links: Live demo | Github repo | Script page


Optimizing long lists of yes/no values with JavaScript

Reading Time: < 1 minute

My newest article on Smashing Magazine’s coding section is for the geekiest among you. It’s about how you can pack long lists of boolean values into a string in the most space-efficient way. Hope you enjoy it 🙂

News Original Personal

Detecting CSS selectors support + my JSConf EU talk

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’ll start with a little backstory, if you want to jump straight to the meat, skip the next 4 paragraphs.

In the past few months, my CSS research has been getting some attention and I’ve been starting to become somewhat well-known in the CSS industry. A little known fact about me is that JavaScript has always been one of my loves, almost as much as CSS (even more than it in the past). Ironically, the first time I was asked to speak in a big conference, it was about JavaScript, even though I ended up choosing to speak about CSS3 instead.

Lately, I’ve started wanting to get more into the JavaScript industry as well. I’m quite reluctant to submit speaking proposals myself (every conference or meetup I’ve given a talk so far has asked me to speak, not the other way around) and most JavaScript conferences expect you to submit a proposal yourself. I also couldn’t think of a good topic, something I was passionate about and hasn’t already been extensively covered.

This changed a few weeks ago. While I was writing my <progress> polyfill, it dawned on me: Polyfills is something that’s JS-related and I’m passionate about! I love studying them, writing them, talking about them. I quickly searched if there were any talks about polyfill writing already and I couldn’t find any. So, I decided to submit a proposal to JSConf EU, even though the call for speakers had passed 10 days ago. When I read @cramforce’s tweet that they had decided on most of the speakers, I spent a few days stressed as hell, checking my inbox every few minutes and hoping that my gut feeling that I would get accepted was right.

And it was! 3 days ago I received an email from JSConf EU that my proposal was accepted!! I can’t even begin to describe how happy and excited I am about it. And nervous too: What if they know everything I’m going to say? What if they hate my talk? What if the JavaScript industry is really as sexist as some people claim and they dismiss me because of my gender? I decided to put my fears aside and start working on my slides, as I couldn’t wait until later (even though I have multiple deadlines creeping up on me right now…).

A big part of writing polyfills is feature detection. Before trying to implement a feature with JavaScript, you first have to check if it’s already supported. So, a substantial portion of my talk will be about that. How to detect if APIs, HTML elements, CSS properties/values/selectors etc are supported. There are already established solutions and techniques about most of these, except CSS selectors. Modernizr doesn’t detect any, and judging from my Google search nobody has written about any techniques for doing so in a generic fashion.

A really simple way to detect CSS selectors support is using document.querySelector() in a try...catch statement. If the selector is not supported, an error will be thrown. However, that’s not really reliable, as the Selectors API is not supported in IE < 8. So, I thought of another idea: What if I turn the hassle of reading out a stylesheet via the DOM methods (browsers drop stuff they don’t understand) into a feature detection method?

The basic idea is creating a new <style> element with an empty rule and the selector we want to test support for, and then read out the stylesheet through the DOM methods to see if a rule actually exists. I’ve so far tested it in Firefox, Opera and Chrome and it seems to work. I haven’t tested it in IE yet, as I currently have too many apps running to turn on the vm, so it might need a few fixes to work there (or I might be unlucky and the idea might not work at all).

You can test it out yourself in this fiddle, just check the console:

Apologies if this has already been documented elsewhere, I really couldn’t find anything.

Edit: James Long worked on fixing my example’s issues with IE


jQuery Pure: Call for contributors

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This post is about an idea I’ve had for ages, but never found the time to actually start working on it. Maybe because it looks like a quite big project if done properly, so it’s scary to do it on my own without any help.

jQuery has a huge amount of code that deals with browser bugs and lack of implementations. For example, it needs a full-fledged selector engine, to cater for old browsers that don’t support the Selectors API. Or, it needs code that essentially does what the classList API is supposed to do, because old browsers don’t support it. Same goes for nextElementSibling (the .next() method) and tons of other stuff. However, not everyone needs all this. Some projects don’t need older browsers support, either due to the developer mindset or due to their tech-savvy target group. Also, some people only write demos/proof-of-concepts for modern browsers only and don’t need all this code. Same goes for intranet apps that are only designed for a particular modern browser. Last but not least, this code bloat makes the jQuery library hard to study for educational purposes.

However, even in a browser that supports all the modern stuff, the jQuery API is still more concise than the native methods. Besides, there are tons of plugins that depend on it, so if you decide to implement everything in native JavaScript, you can’t use them.

What I want to build is a fork of jQuery that is refactored so that all the extra code for working around browser bugs removed and all the code replaced by native functionality, where possible. All the ugliness removed, leaving a small, concise abstraction that only uses the current standards. Something like jQuery: The good parts. It could also serve as a benchmark for browser standards support.

The API will work in the exact same way and pass all unit tests (in modern browsers, in cases where they are not buggy) so that almost every plugin built on top of it will continue to function just as well. However, the jQuery library itself will be much smaller, with more elegant and easy to understand code.

So, who’s with me? Do you find such an idea interesting and useful? Would you want to contribute? If so, leave a comment below or send me an email (it’s in the about page). Also, please let me know if you can think of any other uses, or if there’s already something like that that I’ve missed.


Get your hash — the bulletproof way

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is probably one of the things that everyone thinks they know how to do but many end up doing it wrong. After coming accross yet one more super fragile snippet of code for this, I decided a blog post was in order.

The problem

You want to remove the pound sign (#) from location.hash. For example, when the hash is "#foo", you want to get a string containing "foo". That’s really simple, right?

Original Tips

Change URL hash without page jump

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In modern complex layouts, sometimes the point where a hash will transport you to will be entirely different than the one you actually wanted. If you prevent the default event, you will save yourself from the page jump, but the hash won’t change either. You can accept the regular behavior and change scrollTop after the jump, but the user will still see a distracting flicker.
Chris Coyier found a great workaround last year but it’s not meant for every case.

A different solution

Turns out we can take advantage of the History API to do that quite easily. It’s just one line of code:

history.pushState(null, null, '#myhash');

and we can combine it with the old method of setting location.hash to cater for older browsers as well:

if(history.pushState) {
    history.pushState(null, null, '#myhash');
else {
    location.hash = '#myhash';

Browser support?

The History API is supported by:

  • Firefox 4+
  • Safari 5+
  • Chrome 8+
  • Coming soon in Opera

Enjoy 🙂

Original Releases

StronglyTyped: A library for strongly typed properties & constants in JavaScript

Reading Time: 3 minutes

StronglyTypedI’ll start by saying I love the loosely typed nature of JavaScript. When I had to work with strongly typed languages like Java, it always seemed like an unnecessary hassle. On the contrary, my boyfriend even though very proficient with HTML, CSS and SVG, comes from a strong Java background and hates loosely typed scripting languages. So, to tempt him into JS and keep him away from heavy abstractions like Objective-J, I wrote a little library that allows you to specify strongly typed properties (and since global variables are also properties of the window object, those as well) of various types (real JS types like Boolean, Number, String etc or even made up ones like Integer) and constants (final properties in Java). It uses ES5 getters and setters to do that and falls back to regular, loosely typed properties in non-supporting browsers.

Original Tips

Create complex RegExps more easily

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When I was writing my linear-gradient() to -webkit-gradient() converter, I knew in advance that I would have to use a quite large regular expression to validate and parse the input. Such a regex would be incredibly hard to read and fix potential issues, so I tried to find a way to cut the process down in reusable parts.

Turns out JavaScript regular expression objects have a .source property that can be used in the RegExp constructor to create a new RegExp out of another one. So I wrote a new function that takes a string with identifiers for regexp replacements in {{ and }} and replaces them with the corresponding sub-regexps, taken from an object literal as a second argument:

 * Create complex regexps in an easy to read way
 * @param str {String} Final regex with {{id}} for replacements
 * @param replacements {Object} Object with the replacements
 * @param flags {String} Just like the flags argument in the RegExp constructor
RegExp.create = function(str, replacements, flags) {
	for(var id in replacements) {
		var replacement = replacements[id],
			idRegExp = RegExp('{{' + id + '}}', 'gi');

		if(replacement.source) {
			replacement = replacement.source.replace(/^\^|\$$/g, '');

		// Don't add extra parentheses if they already exist
		str = str.replace(RegExp('\\(' + idRegExp.source + '\\)', 'gi'), '(' + replacement + ')');

		str = str.replace(idRegExp, '(?:' + replacement + ')');

	return RegExp(str, flags);

If you don’t like adding a function to the RegExp object, you can name it however you want. Here’s how I used it for my linear-gradient() parser:

self.regex = {};

self.regex.number = /^-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/;
self.regex.keyword = /^(?:top\s+|bottom\s+)?(?:right|left)|(?:right\s+|left\s+)?(?:top|bottom)$/;

self.regex.direction = RegExp.create('^(?:{{keyword}}|{{number}}deg|0)$', {
	keyword: self.regex.keyword,
	number: self.regex.number 

self.regex.color = RegExp.create('(?:{{keyword}}|{{func}}|{{hex}})', {
	keyword: /^(?:red|tan|grey|gray|lime|navy|blue|teal|aqua|cyan|gold|peru|pink|plum|snow|[a-z]{5,20})$/,
	func: RegExp.create('^(?:rgb|hsl)a?\\((?:\\s*{{number}}%?\\s*,?\\s*){3,4}\\)$', {
		number: self.regex.number
	hex: /^#(?:[0-9a-f]{1,2}){3}$/

self.regex.percentage = RegExp.create('^(?:{{number}}%|0)$', {
	number: self.regex.number

self.regex.length = RegExp.create('{{number}}{{unit}}|0', {
	number: self.regex.number,
	unit: /%|px|mm|cm|in|em|rem|en|ex|ch|vm|vw|vh/

self.regex.colorStop = RegExp.create('{{color}}\\s*{{length}}?', {
	color: self.regex.color,
	length: self.regex.length
}, 'g');

self.regex.linearGradient = RegExp.create('^linear-gradient\\(\\s*(?:({{direction}})\\s*,)?\\s*({{colorstop}}\\s*(?:,\\s*{{colorstop}}\\s*)+)\\)$', {
	direction: self.regex.direction,
	colorStop: self.regex.colorStop
}, 'i');

(self in this case was a local variable, not the window object)


Convert standard gradient syntax to -webkit-gradient and others

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Screenshot of the demoI hate -webkit-gradient() with a passion. Its syntax is cumbersome and it’s really limited: No angle support, no <length>s in color stop positions, no implied color stop positions, no elliptical gradients… So, I was really happy, when Webkit implemented the standard syntax this January. However, we’re still stuck with the horrid -webkit-gradient() for quite a while, since older Webkit browsers that don’t support it are widely used at this time.

Today, I decided to finally spare myself the hassle of converting my standard gradient syntax to -webkit-gradient() by hand. Tasks like that shouldn’t be handled by a human. So, I coded a little script to do the chore. Hope it helps you too:
View demo

It currently only supports linear gradients, but I plan to add radial ones in the future. Also, when I get around to cleaning up the code a bit, I’ll add it on Github.

(Hope I didn’t leave in any very stupid bug, it’s really late here and I’m half asleep.)