

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Was about time, wasn’t it?

I wanted a simpler, more minimalistic (and wider!) theme for a while now. The other one was too restrictive. I had designed it when I had absolutely no content, and few changes were made to it afterwards.

So, today that I was too sad and furious to do anything productive, I spent a few hours redesigning the blog (creative venting…). Please note that it’s just a few hours’ work (with no mockup), so it’s bound to be a bit rough around the edges. I will refine it more as time goes by.

(and just like the previous one, it’s best viewed in more CSS3-supporting browsers, like Firefox, Chrome or Safari. If we can’t use the latest bells n’ whistles in our personal blogs, where can we? ;))

Here’s a screenshot from the previous theme:

Screenshot of the old theme

R.I.P. my first wordpress theme.

PS: Yeah, I know I haven’t posted in a while. I have started lots of posts, but didn’t finish any. I hope I’ll have something complete to post soon.

Personal Tips

(byte)size matters

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Yesterday, I was editing a CSS file and I was wondering how many bytes/KB would a particular addition add to it, in order to decide if it was worth it. Since, I had found myself wondering about the exact same thing multiple times in the past, I decided to make a simple standalone HTML page that would compute the size of any entered text in bytes, KB, MB, etc (whatever was most appropriate). It should be simple and quick and it should account for line terminator differences across operating systems.

About half an hour later, I was done. And then it dawned on me: Someone else might need it too! Since .com domains are, so cheap, hey, let’s get a domain for it as well! There are several sites with a domain that are way simpler than that anyway. A friend that was sitting next to me suggested “” as a joke, but as it turned out, was free, so we registered it. And there it is, less than a day after, it’s aliiive. 😛

Any feedback or suggestions are greatly welcome!

For instance, should I implement a very simple minification algorithm and display bytesize for that as well, or is it too much and ruins the simplicity of it without being worth it? [edit: I did it anyway]

Should I implement a way to compare two pieces of text and find out the difference in byte size (could be useful for JavaScript refactoring)? [edit: I did it anyway]


Help me: take the color survey

Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you are a creative professional, or just passionate about colors, please take my survey:

It will greatly help me to make a future project of our company more usable (some of its features at least) and it only takes a few minutes (it contains 10-19 questions, depending on your responses).

Any suggestions, corrections, questions etc are of course welcome.

Thanks a lot in advance to everyone that takes the survey! 😀

Of course, when it ends and I find the time to analyze the results, I’ll post them here for anyone interested. (Hint: That means that if you are interested in the results, you can promote the survey yourself as well, since more responses = more accurate results)

News Personal

CSS3 colors, today (MediaCampAthens session)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Yesterday, I had a session at MediaCampAthens (a BarCamp-style event), regarding CSS3 colors. If you’ve followed my earlier posts tagged with “colors”, my presentation was mostly a sum-up of these.

It was my first presentation ever, actually, the first time I talked to an audience for more than 1 minute 😛 . This caused some goofs:

  • When introducing myself, I said completely different things than I intended to and ended up sounding like an arrogant moron 😛
  • I tried not to look at the audience too much, in order to avoid sounding nervous, and this caused me to completely ignore 2 questions (as I found out afterwards)! How embarrasing!
  • At a certain point, I said “URL” instead of “domain” 😛

Also, I had prepared some screenshots (you’ll see them in the ppt) and the projector completely screwed them up, as it showed any dark color as black.

Apart from those, I think it went very well, I received lots of positive feedback about it and the audience was paying attention, so I guess they found it interesting (something that I didn’t expect 😛 ).

Here is the presentation:

Please note that Slideshare messed up slide #8 and the background seems semi-transparent grey instead of semi-transparent white.

By the way, I also thought afterwards that I had made a mistake: -ms-filter is not required if we combine the gradient filter with Data URIs, since IE8 supports Data URIs (for images at least). Oops, I hate making mistakes that I can’t correct.

Here are some photos from my session. If I did it correctly, every facebook user can see them. If I messed things up, tell me 😛