
My experience from Geek Meet

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I decided to start writing a blog post after every talk I give, to be able to go back and remember what I thought about each event, what feedback my talk got etc. And I’m starting with Geek Meet May 2011.

The event

Geek Meet is a meetup organized in Stockholm by Robert Nyman. It has hosted talks by many industry leaders like Jake Archibald, Bruce Lawson, Molly Holzschlag, Chris Mills, Remy Sharp, Christian Heilmann and more. It’s free to attend and has sponsors so it can afford to offer free food, drinks and speaker accommodation.

My experience

I was very surprised to hear that the event was sold out just 18 minutes after Robert’s announcement! According to him, that set a new record for it!

This event was kinda challenging in many ways. I was the only speaker, so if I failed, everyone would notice. Also, I had to give 2 talks and one of them was brand new, which is always stressful.

However, the crowd there was awesome! Not only they were very relaxed, but they had a great sense of humor too. I don’t think I had ever been in an event that was so relaxed. And their reaction to my talks was so encouraging, I don’t think I have ever heard such loud clapping in my life!

I’m saving the feedback I got here, to bottle the feeling: